Various updates

If you are wondering why I haven’t been posting anything it is because there really isn’t anything going on lately. I have been sick for the past 2 weeks. I went to the doctor yesterday and found out I have a sinus infection. He gave me some pills, but I jsut can’t swallow pills. I don’t know why it’s just one of those things. So I have to try and get a hold him tomorrow to see if I can get something in a liquid. I need an antibiotic and a decongestant. Right now it is mainly a really bad cough, sore throat and I have been getting really bad sinus headaches everyday. Also, since Friday I have been having problems hearing out of the right ear. If I put my head down it opens up and I can hear fine, but all the other time it feels like it is closed off.

It doesn’t help that on Tuesday I started classes again. Three of the four teaches I have had before so I know what to expect and the other one is my Logic teacher and he doesn’t seem too bad. I am also taking Financial Accounting, Micro Economics, and World Civilization II. Atleast this semester I don’t have class at 8 am every day like the past semester.

Speaking of the last semester I got a letter today from the Office of the Vice Presjdent of my college saying that I got on the Vice President’s High Honors list, which is for people who had a 3.5 gpa or above. Which is pretty cool. It’s the highest award at my college.

I have been really lazy for the past couple months mainly due to World of Warcraft, but I promise to get around to making some WordPress themes. I have been toying around with a few designs.

I may have one big update in the next couple weeks, but I don’t want to jinx it. To those who know me you will be shocked.

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