Job update

It’s about time for me to give an update as to how the new job is going. I have been there for about a month now. In case you are wondering jsut what my job is, here is a rundown. I do production for a photography studio. Once the pictures are shot with the Canon EOS 20D, which does RAW and JPEG files at once, I create 3 folders and seperate out the RAW and JPEGs and create a folder for the proofs. I then rename all images with the clients name. Then all jpegs are resized to 8×10 and then I can be creative and do some various effects to them, to show the client what we can do. I remove blemishes and can do some black and white glamour shots. Also things like diffusion, changing color tones and many other things. These are then burned off to CD and sent to one of the other studios to create the proof books which the client looks at and decides which ones they want.

All of my retouching and everything else is done in Adobe Photoshop.

Once they decide what they want I get the order and resize images to the size of the pictures they ordered. If they pay for retouching I will also remove any blemishes, wrinkles, bags under the eyes, stray hairs, and drool on some of the babies. For babies I also do a slideshow. For wallets I add either our logo or I can add a custom one requested by the client. Once I finish all orders for the day they are FTP’d to the color lab.

Soon we are also gonna be doing some panels for Young Achievers, which I still need to learn how to use the Kodak ProShots program to do those.

That is basically my job. Doesn’t sound too complicated but there is a lot of things to learn and keep track off. So far I like it. We are not very busy right now, but that will change in a few weeks. So, right now the photographer has been doing the proofing of images and getting them ready for ordering, which saves me a lot of work.

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