Well, nothing has been going on lately. Played hockey last night for a couple hours. We had 7 people so we played 3 on 3 with one sub. It was nice having that sub.
Wednesday I had a paper due in my Into to Gov class that I thought was due next Wed. but I was wrong. So, I wrote it last night, it was only a 2 page paper. Started it around midnight finished about 1:30. Turned it in today and being late isn’t a big deal. the paper itself is only worth 15 pts and I lose 3 for being late. Considering tests are worth 100 pts, losing 3 is not gonna kill me.
Marlins pulled through the last two nights and have taken a 3 games to 2 lead in the world Series. Only one more win and it’s over.
That’s about all I have to say, later.