
Well, today we canceled the installation of DirecTV. I realized the we wouldn’t be getting Fox Sports, aka most of the Blues and cards games, so we couldn’t have that. In order to get the Fox Sports channels you must have the most expensive package which is almost 90 bucks and includes every Fox Sports channel, and a lot more, but that is just way too much.

So, this sux. I won’t be getting FUSE or MTV2 now.


Haven’t posted in awhile…

There hasn’t been a lot going on and I keep on forgetting to post. I just spent about four hours rewriting my notes for my Intro. to Gov. class, got a test tomorrow and rewriting notes seems to help me study. Just reading them over doesn’t do it for me.

Then for my Lit class I need to do some extra stuff to help bring up my participation grade. I am not a vocal person so I need all the help I can get. I have to do a little bit of research on Sir Fancis Drake and Buddhism. I don’t have to do a lot just some background information. So it’s not a big deal. I just really don’t feel like doing it right now. I have a couple hours in between classes tomorrow so I will probably wind up doing it then.

I got a couple of tests back that I was pretty happy with. In my stats class I got a 99 which was the high in the class. And in the Earth Science class I got a 92 on a 100 question multiple choice test. There were only 4 people who got over a 90. Our average was around a 75 or so.

Blues seem to be on a role they are currently in first place and beat Vancouver tonight 3-2.

Also, tonight I got in on the ScreenSavers LAN party. I got to play Halo. I only was able to play for 15 min. The first game I was 9th overall and I think 2nd on team. It was a good time.

A week from today we are getting DirecTV installed. No more crappy cable and I will finally get Fuse and MTV2 which actually play, get this, music. Now ain’t that a concept.

Well there’s my little update,
